Tuesday, August 26, 2014

What is Duck, Duck, Goose you ask? Well, it's a game, silly.

First, you must find your place amongst the circle on one of the largest, most colorful rug that you will ever encounter in your lifetime.  Next, take in all the faces watching your every move.  There are friends, strangers, and the ever present enemy. Carefully or unabashedly take your position and sit Indian Style or Kris Kross Apple Sauce…whichever your generation is most comfortable with...I choose the former because it is simply an observation rather than a political statement. The butterflies should be fluttering at full velocity at this time.

Waiting…I hope they don't pick me.  Waiting…Phew.  Waiting…Geez..I never get picked.  Waiting…I can totally catch him.  WaitingGOOSE!

And that's how it all goes.  Sometimes we just get that hovering hand over our head.  Other times we get whacked by that kid who eats his boogers.  And better yet, there is the slight tap of a finger method.  No matter what approach life gives us we must get up…even if our feet our asleep…and RUN!  

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