Thursday, November 6, 2014

Mean People Actually Do Suck

Being in the company of bad news bears is emotionally and physically draining. Not to mention the toil of their snarks and sneers which incite an insatiable pain in my neck.  Mean people are literally a pain in my neck that I recently sought medical attention for.  Turns out it is partly the fault of a feisty aging vertebrate associated with highly sensitive nerves that do not tolerate the likes of mingy bad news bears.

Mean people suck. Sure, I feel bad for them.  I really do.  It is just as exhausting for the little bastards as it is us.  Always something going wrong and if there's nothing currently going wrong….Well…Don't just stand there! Let's make something go terribly wrong.  And then for fun let's blame it on somebody else and if that fails we'll pretend to be crummy friends again.

Don't get me wrong.  I know some of these bnb's have some issues going on.  But really…It's no excuse.  Eventually, we all have to get over ourselves and pay attention.

You reap what you sow. The Big Book

You only get what you give.  New Radicals
Instant Karma's gonna get you.  John Lennon 
C'est la Vie.  
French phrase which roughly translates to…Shit happens.  
Get over it.  That's life.  Didn't your parents ever tell you life isn't fair?  Well, it's not.  Next!  

I highly recommend some sources for bnb's.  Oddly enough these same sources are great for the kind hearted as well.  The first is the book "Have You Filled a Bucket Today?" 

Are you a bucket filler? Well, you should strive to be one.  

A song with a happy beat, positive message, and good drums works wonders for the spirit. 
"Instant Karma's gonna get you. Gonna knock you right on the head."

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